My family came to visit me last weekend, so I showed them the joys of Boulder before we went up to the mountains. He hiked Chautauqua, ate at Brasserie TenTen, went to the library book store, and explored vintage clothing stores. I think they like it here.

We were planning to spend the weekend in Summit County, but as the timing worked out, I suggested we take a day to go to Palisade for their peach festival. Palisade is on the Western Slope of the Rockies, and might have the best peaches anywhere (take that, Gerogia!). It was a beautiful drive out there. I did somehow expect the Western slope to be green and lush, and it turned out to be just as arid as the East. There's something about the wind coming down the canyon that makes for mild weather in Palisade and ed the proliferation of so many orchards and vineyards. We visited an orchard with beautiful tasty peaches and took a tour on their horse-drawn carriage. Buff horses. And they had peach ice cream for us as we finished.

The festival in town was also a delight. They had a fair with booths and hot dogs (they seem necessary for a fair atmosphere) and various peach products. There was a recipe contest in which contestants submitted a peach food item that was judged. And the best part: they sold sample tickets so that bystanders could taste the goodies. We definitely got five each. Amanda went for the cakey items, so her plate looks gorgeous and appetizing.

I, however, went for the gooey, cobbler-like treats, so my plate looks a little vomitous, but was amazingly delicious.

We got a half-bushel (25 pounds) of peaches on our way out of town and are still eating our way through them. I've been meaning to bake with them, but haven't gotten around to it/haven't figured out who is going to eat it. But I'll make something peachy soon.
The peaches were better by themselves, the way God made them, juicy and drippy down the chin...